June 21 2012
In May 2012, the Assistant Treasurer and the Minister for Social Inclusion announced that the not-for-profit sector reforms will be staged in order to allow organisations to transition to the new regulatory framework.
June 21 2012
With just over a week until the end of the Financial Year - are you ready?
May 17 2012
According to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, weake than expected tax revenues and on-going uncertainty continue to plague budget forecasts as the Federal Government continues to pursue its fragile plans for a return to surplus in 2012-2013.
May 17 2012
The Governement's Clean Energy Future Plan introduces a refundable tax offset plan for eligible new depreciating assets used in conservation tillage farming practices.
April 26 2012
Like Cloud computing outsourcing is gaining momentum. Recently the Institute of Chartered Accountants produced a report with Ernst & Young "20 Issues on Outsourcing and Offshoring".
April 05 2012
For up to date guidance on tax issues, including understanding tax obligations and entitlements for property transactions.
March 22 2012
Outsourcing and offshoring was an emerging phenomenon but is now mainstream for large corporations and the rate of adoption for SME's is accelerating fast.